Counselling Services

Allow me to walk by your side…

Counselling Services

I offer one-on-one, personalized counselling sessions - online only at this time. Sessions are available in French & English.

I am not your conventional talk therapist. I combine a unique array of approaches from mindfulness based, embodied and somatic (body focused), intuitive, expressive and ritualistic. I offer a spiritual framework (not religion based) and consider the space I hold for my clients to be sacred. I have a dynamic approach, meaning I am not a therapist who sits back and only offers reflective listening. While I do offer this, I also engage, lovingly challenge, and roll up my sleeves to get down in the trenches with you.

My clients often comment that they feel deeply accepted and seen with love and compassion, and this connection is a deeply sacred and transformative healing agent.

Free 20 minute initial consultations are available. Starting with this is a wonderful way for us to connect and feel into whether we are the right fit for each other. There are no strings attached, no hidden sales pitch, no further obligations. I offer this time for free, whole-heartedly, as I know that choosing to work with a therapist that we resonate with, can see ourselves trusting and being vulnerable with, is key to the magic that can happen in a counselling relationship. Likewise, if I do not feel that I have the right skills to support you, it can give us a chance to explore other options.

I would be deeply honoured to walk by your side, as your companion, cheerleader and guide, and offer you my heart, acceptance, strength, soft place to land, and love.

20 minute online discovery session - Free
60 minute online session - $195 + GST
90 minute online session - $290 + GST